Friday, October 9, 2009

Blogging and Cupcakes

You know, I consider myself relatively smart, but this blogging is making me second guess that assumption. I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Sure, I can type up a new post without a problem, but links, know all the interesting stuff...are kicking my butt here. I really need to go get that Blogging For Dummies book. Google is not helping me much with free advice, so I'm going to have to break down and purchase some help.

My plan today was to write a cute little article about cupcakes. I love cupcakes, and they will be a part of my day today. I was going to write about them and post some delicious pictures to yummy up my post, but I don't know the rules about posting pictures belonging to others. I have asked for help but will just have to continue my no picture blogging while I wait for a response.

My sweet son will hit the double digits later on this month. Ten years old! Now that is something to celebrate. And today, all the October birthdays will be celebrated in his classroom.
What a great idea. Every child gets to celebrate their birthday at school. No one is left out! That is definitely my kind of party.

And nothing says party like cupcakes! They're just fun! Children can not help but smile when a plate of colorful, dripping with frosting, sprinkled to within an inch of their lives cupcakes shows up. It's their very own mini-cake. It's a party no matter what day it is. Oh, how wonderful the cupcake is.

So today, I'm delivering a plate full of smile inducing cupcakes to celebrate the birth of my precious child, and his classmates who were also born in the cool month of October. What a great way to end the school week. Cupcakes...possibly the easiest way to get your child out the door and to school on time. Who would of thunk it!

1 comment:

  1. oh good luck with your new blog!
    the "art" of posting pictures has been much debated. i'll offer you some small advice, always link to your source. if it's another blog, link them and hopefully they've linked to the source. then link to the source. pictures are meant to be shared, we just need to be responsible about how we use them, and make sure that we continue linking our sources! hope this helps:)
