Friday, October 8, 2010

Give Him the World

Before I get started let me just say...SQUEEEEEEE!!!! I received a comment on my So Blue post...which is exciting itself...but the comment was from Blondie'N'SC. Can I just say that I am so excited! I absolutely adore her blog. I love how she gushes all about her punk and the pool man. And I am so envious of her style and creativity. She is just amazing!

Okay...better stop now before she thinks I'm a stalker or something but...oh, what a way to start the weekend. Thanks so much Blondie'N'SC!

Onto the topic at hand...

My son, my oldest, my Bubba is about to turn 11 years old and growing up right before my eyes. He has started using deodorant because "my pits stink"...which they don't, but who am I to argue if the kid wants to smell nice. He has informed me that I should not use the term "play date" when he has a buddy over but instead call it "hanging out" or nothing at all. I am also not allowed to kiss him or tell him I love him once we are out of the car at school. Rip my heart out why don't you!

Well, I put my foot down on that last one...sorta. I won't kiss him but when I say "see ya" that is code for I love you. And when he says "see ya, too" that is code for I love you, too. He is cool with that, and I'll take it where I can get it!

So, to show our support and encouragement for all this "growing up", we are in the process of redecorating his bedroom. The walls have been painted a gorgeous sea blue with one manly accent wall in dark brown...cloak and dagger. And now the hunt is on for all the goodies to make the bedroom perfect for this boy/man.

I am obsessed with finding a vintage map to hang on his brown wall. The colors are just perfect and nothing says grown up like having the world at your fingertips.


Or better yet, a vintage school roll-down map.

s.r. gambrel

poetic home

A great desk with a modern chair for all those late night study sessions is definitely needed.


julian wass photography

house & home

steven gambrel

Lockers! Nothing says boy like lockers.


Throw in some vintage wire gym baskets, floating shelves, and an old New York subway sign, and the room will be complete. Perfect for a growing boy with stinky pits.

Now all I need is patience. Hmmmm...not my strong suit, but I'll do my best. Once it has all come together, I'll share some pictures.

Happy weekend y'all!

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