Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Perfect Day To Play Outside

It is always such a surprise on that first cool day. Summer is pretty hot around here...and don't get me started on the that first true Fall day is somewhat of a shock. A very welcome shock for sure.

Go outside and play. Have some adventurous. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Build a pyramid...break out the puzzles and the sidewalk chalk.

Or paint a pretty picture!

A beautiful Fall day is like a breath of fresh air. You didn't know you needed it until you were right in the middle of enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I love your blog! As you post about a beautiful day I sit here and deal with rain and coldness! I don't want to bring you down! Enjoy the beautiful weather!! I will try to enjoy.. THIS!!!

    Love this blog! Check out mine:
