Monday, November 2, 2009

10 Years Old!

My precious son celebrated his tenth birthday the week both of us had the flu. It was not fun. He tried so hard to enjoy his birthday dinner and tried even harder to enjoy his new mountain bike, but it just wasn't fun. I completely understood.

And then we had to postpone his big celebration...eight boys sleeping over and celebrating into the wee hours.

So this past Friday, we celebrated! Eight boys...eating pizza and cupcakes, playing football and plotting the plans for the big Nerf dart gun fight...them vs. the mom and dad. It was loud and fun!

I'm finding darts everywhere! In plants, under tables, behind curtains, stuck to windows and mirrors. I have a feeling I will be finding these little suckers for months to come.

The boys also camped out in our backyard with my hubby as a chaperon. I snuggled in my comfy bed and listened to laughter and my husband saying "Come on guys! Quiet down!" 10 or 20 times. And finally, around midnight, there was quiet...until 6am the next morning. Where do they get the energy!

What a night! Eight boys! I couldn't do it every day, but the smile on my son's face and all the hugs he gave me...well, every once in awhile isn't so bad.

Happy Birthday Bubba! You are well loved.

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